Monday, August 27, 2012

Turbo Fire Day 1

So today I am going to start doing Turbo Fire, I have done Insanity I never got past month 1 though because  life kept getting crazy. So I looked into TF, I ordered it and decided I am going to do this and I plan on completing it. I know it will not be easy of course it won't! I am not in shape or very fit, I struggled with Insanity I could not make it through a full 45min DVD it was hard. Some things got easier for me and I was lasting longer and I notice the change in my body. I have lost almost 10lbs since starting Insanity and it changed my body. I went from a size 14 to a size 12/10ish. Let me give you a little background.

My weight loss journey started in December 2011, I had my son in 2010 and lost all the weight. Then in 2011 my weight started to creep up, I had problems sleeping and I just couldn't stop eating. Finally in September I went to my dr asking what was going on since I could not sleep. He told my my thyroid levels were too high but just to nap and cut back on coffee. I laughed at him, I drink 1 cup of coffee as soon as I wake up usually 7am. Napping was a joke, I had a 10month old at home plus I was running my consignment shop, when on earth was I supposed to nap? Not to mention I would get home from working put the baby down for his nap and them my older child would come home from school. So I decided to call in another dr. He tested my levels, and weighed me, I was tipping the scales at 218lbs, for me that was my highest ever and I always told my friends to shoot me if I got to 200lbs. So he gave my meds for my thyroid and told me that would help me to not eat as much and I might get some sleep too. He also prescribed me some Ambien. In December I had gone down to 213lbs my levels were going down but not enough. So he doubled my dosage of thyroid meds and I decided to start slim fast diet, in January of 2012 I started 30 Day Shred. Between all of this I have lost 35lbs!!!! I am much happier to be smaller but I have another 50lbs I would like to lose. So its my challenge and my goal to myself to be a hot mom. I will post my weight stats weekly, and my measurements monthly. I went from a size 18 in jeans in December to almost a size 10 now. I have never been active or fit. I used to walk a lot as a teen, now I am a SAHM and I don't do much for exercise other than chasing a toddler all over. I want to be active and look good for my hubby. So that is my goal to lost 50lbs. I take my goals 10lbs at a time usually. 

TF Day 1
Hips- 42"
Thigh L-26"
Thigh R-26"

I will post this evening to let you know how I made out with TF, I normally work out during my son's afternoon nap so I will try to post right after. I will also be adding pictures as I learn how.

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