Friday, January 25, 2013

Almost into my last week

I have enjoyed Turbo Fire a lot. Chalene is a LOT of fun to workout with she is SO motivating and she makes you want to keep pushing through even when you feel like you cannot go on. I had Fire 55EZ today, I have one more week left with Monday being a rest day then I work out Tue- Saturday and then I am DONE! I cannot wait to do my final after pictures. I will be submitting them to get my Turbo Fire tank top! The other great thing about beachbody and their products is when you complete a program they have free shirts! Brazil Butt Lift offers BUM BUM shorts.. Those are next on my agenda to earn. I have a group on Facebook for a 90 day challenge. I would love to get a group together of people who want to all try the same workout and have everyone do that together. It would be such a cool thing to see everyone working together and seeing the results of it. If anyone would be interested in that let me know.

I have a busy weekend ahead with other things going on then I have the recovery week of TF while starting BBL. Hope you all are enjoying my blog so far. I will be posting final results next weekend sometime. Look for them!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Making a plan

So I will be finishing up Turbo fire in 2 weeks!!! I am so excited!! I hate seeing it end but I am happy to officially finish a program the whole way through. My goal is about 4 days before the end I will start Brazilian Butt Lift Master Series, I tried to double up when i first got the BBL dvd a few weeks ago and 90 minutes of workout was pushing it for me. I was EXHAUSTED! I am not ready for all of that just yet. So I figure a few days of overlapping will be fine with me.

I had a lot of fun with BBL when I started it and omg my arms and legs and buns were SORE!!! I am sure this will be an awesome workout for me. I then need to take 6weeks off and I will be going back into it with Hip Hop Abs! I also will be doing my first 5K, I will like walk that but I think it will be a lot of fun and I am looking forward to it. I eventually would like to try the couch to 5k program so I can start getting into running. Fingers are crossed for me to reach my goal by summer!!! I have 5months to lose 28lbs!!! I hope I can do it!! I am going to work REALLY hard to hit that goal.

What are your goals? Don't make resolutions those are easy to give up on. Make a goal and stick to it. Take it baby steps with weight loss and just keep going. I started with okay 5 lbs or get out of the 200's.. Now my goal is to hit 159lbs.. I have 9lbs to go but I am going to try my best! It's the small goals and taking it one day at a time. We all want to wake up and have the weight come off overnight but it never works out that way. Hard work pays off..

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Another day down

I am into my 10 th week and I was telling my best friend and coach how I didn't see a change. I mean I know there is a change and I notice it more in my clothing than anywhere else but still sometimes you just don't see it for yourself. Sometimes you just see yourself as you always have and its hard to change the way you look at yourself. This journey is a lot of self reflection, discipline and hard work. I think sometimes we take who we are and how we look for granted. If you see yourself as perfect that is great, but we are always a work in progress, there is always something we need to work on. Not just the outside but who we are inside. Sometimes I feel like I have been working out forever, I cannot wait for a small break from it and changing my routine. I am excited to try a new workout routine and see how I change from that. I want to build muscle and tone myself up some more. I don't want to look like a body builder and most normal women won't if they lift weights we just tone up not bulk up not without enhancement.

I think people see those of us who work out as fanatics and not normal. Coaching for me isn't about sales, its about helping people. I LOVE to help people! I want to show others that they CAN do it. I once thought I was too overweight, and I could never get myself into shape. I thought I would have to do some drastic dieting and boring gym workouts which I do not have time for with 2 children and its expensive! I know a lot of people tell me so is what I am doing, but I would rather pay 1 fee for a workout and have it for whenever I want than spend $100/month for a gym membership where I have to drop the kid off to be watched or work around my husband's schedule to get out of the house. The wonderful thing is they have a 30 day money back guarantee on everything for the most part, so if you don't think its working for you return it and get a refund or sell it on ebay. Trust me people are always looking for the workouts from beachbody.

My goal is to buy and look decent in a bikini by summer, big goal I know.. I still struggle with the baby scars of stretch marks, those are still something that I am not completely comfortable with. I know most moms have them, its just hard to get over feeling awkward about them I guess. Is that the right word? We feel awkward?? I am not ashamed of them, I just feel like they are not accepted in society with all these perfect flawless, air brushed models out there. Okay enough of this for today. Workout have fun, eat healthy. Diet is 80%, Exercise is only 20%.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Long time no write....

I know its been awhile, I have since become a Team Beach Body coach and I am hoping to inspire others to end the trend with me. I have worked SO hard, I have had setbacks because I am human and I mess up. I am closing in on a 50lbs weight loss VERY close like 1lb from it. I have 3 weeks left of Turbo Fire and I LOVE it!!! I think my next victim will be Brazilian Butt Lift master series. I am also hoping to do the Ultimate Reset come March sometime. You cannot work out while doing a reset so since I have been ordered 6 weeks of rest after an upcoming surgery I will just use that time to continue to better myself. I am loving Shakeology I use it to replace lunch usually. So today I went to the mall with my mom and I bought a pair of size 8 jeans!!! December 2011 I was wearing size 18!!! I have still 29lbs till my goal weight but I feel confident that I can reach my goal by June if I keep pushing myself. I think after my break I will jump into Hip Hop Abs for something fun and then work into Chalean Extreme to tone up and lose some more weight.

If you want to know more feel free to ask me!