Friday, April 26, 2013


So this past Monday I had a I hate this moment for myself. I have been working REALLY hard to get into shape and hit my goal, well last weekend I put on over 2lbs, not a lot to some, but to me it was too much! So I changed directions from Chalean Extreme to Insanity. Last spring my best friend and now coach, told to me to buy it and try it. Well I did like 5 times and wound up hating it, I felt SO out of shape and it was HARD! So life got in the way and then I decided to do Turbo Fire. Now I have completed that done a few little things since and I am back into Insanity. So far I think I am doing MUCH better this time around. Its still hard, I still need to drink LOTS of water and I still get tired out. But I am kind of enjoying it, shhhhh do not tell my friend.. I also jogged/walked my first 5K last weekend the color vibe and I had a blast even though it was FREEZING cold outside.

So I will try to be better about my blogging and do weekly check ins. Monday was my official weigh in so I will post every Monday with my stats.. As I see progress I will post photos too. :)

Day 1 4-22-13
Fit Test
Switch Kicks- 54
Power Jacks- 50
Power Jumps(modified)-60
Power Knees- 80
Globe Jumps- 2( I wrenched my back during them :(  )
Sucide Jumps- 17
Push up Jacks- 13
Low Plank Obliques-32

Starting weight: 159.6
Chest: 34"
Hips: 37

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse

So today I start my Shakeology cleanse, this is meant to get rid of the toxins from my body as well as help me curb my cravings. I have done another cleanse before 2 times and I must say its always a struggle for those 2 days I normally have to do it but it is always worth it in the end. I mainly do them only when my weight hits a stalling point, it seems to be just the kick start my body needs usually. This one is MUCH different than my last cleanses though. This one I have my shakeology 3 times a day, and I get a real dinner. Dinner is 4oz of meat(poultry or fish) along with a salad. Also my morning shake I can add fruit to it, and I get fruit for a snack before lunch. So its not a bad trade off in my opinion. The last cleanse I did was these three chocolate drinks for 2 days straight and nothing else aside from room temperature water.. I lost 5lbs with my first and about 3.5lbs with my second. My goal is a 5lb loss with this one but we will see I guess. Also with Shakeology I can still do my workouts because I am still getting the nutrition I need which is VERY nice. So here goes with my starting stats.

Height: 5'4
Weight: 157.8
Chest: 34"
Waist: 28"
Hips: 38"

Monday, April 8, 2013

A week in.. .

 A week into the new workout routine, no changes so far but I am definitely liking it a lot. My muscles are sore but its a good sore, I like that this is only 5 days a week. The cardio is still rough on me as I recover from surgery but I am hoping it will get easier. My thinking is to add some Brazilian Butt lift workouts just for some more cardio and some fun thrown into my serious weight lifting workouts. 

I have to say I am surprised with how heavy I can go in the Burn Circuit 2 workout for most of the arm things as I don't have as much muscle in my arms. Hopefully I will see some changes by next week with scale and measurements. Keeping up with this will be a challenge but I Am ready for it. I am determined to not skip any workouts with this one. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 4 of Chalean

So on April 1st I started Chalean extreme, its mainly weight lifting and muscle building. Day 1 wasn't bad, day 2 was rest, Day 3 was more weight training and I was surprised how some things I could use heavier weights than I expected. Today was cardio, Burn intervals and abs. I had to pause and sit down for a bit during Burn intervals because I got tired out from working so hard. Still it felt good otherwise it alternated weight training, very light weights and it was more for endurance. Then some cardio, the moves were all fairly easy some kick boxing from Turbo Fire. So far no scale or inches lost but I will check again on Monday for my weekly check ins.