Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 5 killed it!

Okay so I didn't kill it, but I am exhausted! I still feel like I am going really slow but I know I will get faster in time. I know I say that a lot. Today was Fire 55 EZ.. not as easy as it sounds, I assure you! This was my first long class and it was rough to say the least but I am all hot and sweaty so it must be doing something. I am slightly sore today so it must mean I am working my muscles as of right now my weight is up and I am not pleased, maybe if I get lucky by some miracle my weight will go back down over the weekend. Another Fire 30 and Stretch 10 tomorrow. Sunday is Core 20 and Stretch 40 so I have a feel my abs will be super sore come Monday.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 4

Day 4 is done and over with for me. I am still feeling great, I love the workout even though I still feel like I am not doing much since I am learning. This was my second time with Fire 30, I am catching on with some of the moves pretty well now, although some I am still way slower than the workout. Sweating like crazy at the moment and chugging my water. My weight is not doing what I want its taking a climb, I know its my own fault for eating poorly. My plan is to take some time on Sunday and make myself muffins or something I can have for breakfast and maybe eat some yogurt with that. I need to work on my diet so I plan on working on it this weekend and training myself to eat 3 meals a day and make healthier choices.  Other than that great workout! Decide. Commit. Succeed!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 3

  So today was supposed to be my rest day but I swapped it so I could rest from being ill the past few days. Today was HIIT 15 and Stretch 10, HIIT 15 is all VERY fast paced, she shows you the moves and then its all "Fire Drills" so you do everything as fast as you can in 30 to 40 seconds and then get a break then you go again, each set is done 3 times. I def feel some soreness today from Monday. I know by next week I won't feel any soreness anymore which is nice. Tomorrow is Fire 55EZ (EZ does NOT mean it is easy). I really am loving the workout Chalean is fun and for the most part I still cannot keep up even with the modified girl but I know in a few more weeks I will be able to at least keep up with modified. Lots of jumping today so if you have bad knees I probably would not recommend this workout, although you can do the modified moves which does not involved the jumping.

I also highly recommend a good bra for this workout, I went to Old Navy today and purchased the molded bra and wore it for my workout, much better than my cheapy walmart bra by far! I also am quite proud of myself for going to JCP and buying a pair of Levi's in a size 12, I bought the curvy fit which eliminates the back gap for girls with some junk in the trunk(lol), they really do fit nicely. They were on the pricey side but entirely well worth it in my opinion.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 2 skipped

I am only skipping today because I am so sick, I would rather be working it out but a good friend told me to just rest and take care of myself, so that is what I am doing. Tomorrow is the normal TF rest day but I fully intend to make up for today and kick some butt, okay I am going to try because its HIIT 15 and HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training(god help me). It has plyo in it and I totally HATE plyo! But I can handle 15min and then I get to do stretch and that is fun.. Stretch makes you VERY aware of your muscles and what hurts or is tight that you normally do not notice. So back to resting now and I will be kicking some butt tomorrow..

Monday, August 27, 2012

Workout done

I just finished my first TF workout, I did the new to class which she shows you the moves and then goes into the workout part. Its a little more time consuming this way but it helps. I will say this its a great workout, she moves FAST, I was left in the dust kind of lost a couple of times but I did the moves I could get in. I burned 336 calories between Fire 30 and Stretch 10. Its a great dancey, kick boxing type of workout. The stretch is some yoga moves and she does some great stretching. She has a person doing modified moves so its a little lower intensity if you are not ready for it.A great workout all in all. Let's hope I can stick with this for 20 weeks!

Turbo Fire Day 1

So today I am going to start doing Turbo Fire, I have done Insanity I never got past month 1 though because  life kept getting crazy. So I looked into TF, I ordered it and decided I am going to do this and I plan on completing it. I know it will not be easy of course it won't! I am not in shape or very fit, I struggled with Insanity I could not make it through a full 45min DVD it was hard. Some things got easier for me and I was lasting longer and I notice the change in my body. I have lost almost 10lbs since starting Insanity and it changed my body. I went from a size 14 to a size 12/10ish. Let me give you a little background.

My weight loss journey started in December 2011, I had my son in 2010 and lost all the weight. Then in 2011 my weight started to creep up, I had problems sleeping and I just couldn't stop eating. Finally in September I went to my dr asking what was going on since I could not sleep. He told my my thyroid levels were too high but just to nap and cut back on coffee. I laughed at him, I drink 1 cup of coffee as soon as I wake up usually 7am. Napping was a joke, I had a 10month old at home plus I was running my consignment shop, when on earth was I supposed to nap? Not to mention I would get home from working put the baby down for his nap and them my older child would come home from school. So I decided to call in another dr. He tested my levels, and weighed me, I was tipping the scales at 218lbs, for me that was my highest ever and I always told my friends to shoot me if I got to 200lbs. So he gave my meds for my thyroid and told me that would help me to not eat as much and I might get some sleep too. He also prescribed me some Ambien. In December I had gone down to 213lbs my levels were going down but not enough. So he doubled my dosage of thyroid meds and I decided to start slim fast diet, in January of 2012 I started 30 Day Shred. Between all of this I have lost 35lbs!!!! I am much happier to be smaller but I have another 50lbs I would like to lose. So its my challenge and my goal to myself to be a hot mom. I will post my weight stats weekly, and my measurements monthly. I went from a size 18 in jeans in December to almost a size 10 now. I have never been active or fit. I used to walk a lot as a teen, now I am a SAHM and I don't do much for exercise other than chasing a toddler all over. I want to be active and look good for my hubby. So that is my goal to lost 50lbs. I take my goals 10lbs at a time usually. 

TF Day 1
Hips- 42"
Thigh L-26"
Thigh R-26"

I will post this evening to let you know how I made out with TF, I normally work out during my son's afternoon nap so I will try to post right after. I will also be adding pictures as I learn how.