Thursday, October 4, 2012

Under 180

I have finally hit the mark I wanted which was to be in the 170's, I take it a set at a time right now. I weighed in for my group I am in on FB yesterday and was 179.7 I had to weigh myself twice to believe it! Another 2.7lbs till I am in just the overweight BMI range for my height. Also I will then be at -40lbs! Every small milestone is a challenge but I am determined to succeed at this. I set small goals, I do have a BIG goal in mind and that is to be 140lbs. For now I keep it simple and realistic. I started out last December weighing in at 218lbs, I decided then and there NO MORE! I would get healthy, I would lose weight. So I started doing 30 day shred, and doing slim fast shakes. My goals were small 10lbs at a time is how I take it. My focus was to hit 199lbs, then I said okay I want to hit 183 lbs which is what I weighed when I got pregnant for each child. My current goal is 173lbs which is what I weighed after each of my kids were born.  Baby steps, weight loss and goals are baby steps. You should have a long term goal, but give yourself small goals.

When I lost 10lbs my hubby had to shave his goatee, if I hit 20lbs it had to stay off till I say you can have it back. These silly things helped me, he cheers me on every time I hit lose something even if its only half a pound. Having support is so helpful, I also put my background on my computer to saying "If you don't want to start over, stop giving up." Everytime I think, ugh I don't want to workout I see that and think " Okay just do it, do what you can and just push!" My new goal is to hit 169 by December, I want to be another 10lbs lighter for my hubby's work party. It will be the lightest I have been since I can ever remember.

My workouts I have done are:
Insanity( I have done 2 rounds of month 1 since I kept giving up)
30 Day Shred (off and on for a few months)
Turbo Fire(current)

You can do this, you can lose weight, its not easy. Set small attainable goals, I have NOT given up how I normally eat. I currently have 1 body by vi shake per day, I eat smaller normal meals, I only have ice cream once in awhile. I eat pizza, I go out to dinner and have a burger. Just remember you have to do moderation and watch you calorie intake for the day.

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